CNN and Twitter Target President Trump and The Gateway Pundit
By Joe Hoft Won’t Allow Us to Share the Actual COVID-19 Numbers from the CDC Website that Don’t Fit Their Narrative CNN and Twitter are at it again. Today CNN slandered President Trump and the Gateway Pundit and encouraged Twitter to take down a tweet based on CDC data that the President retweeted. CNN and Twitter don’t want Americans to know the full truth about COVID-19. Last night we posted an article about COVID-19 – SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses...
By Joe Hoft Won’t Allow Us to Share the Actual COVID-19 Numbers from the CDC Website that Don’t Fit Their Narrative CNN and Twitter are at it again. Today CNN slandered President Trump and the Gateway Pundit and encouraged...
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