Tag Archive: CNN Hosts Blitzer

on January 10, 2022 in World News

CNN Hosts Blitzer, Tapper, and Cooper Run Away When Confronted by Project Veritas Over Producers Accused of Child Sex Crimes

By Julian Conradson The self-appointed “most trusted name in news,” has been absolutely silent about two producers on the network’s most popular programs getting busted for child sex crimes. Rick Saleeby resigned from CNN in December after Project Veritas published explicit texts and recordings in which he fanaticized about the sexual abuse of underage girls. Saleeby was also caught allegedly procuring nude photos of one of his victims. Police have confirmed they’re investigating “serious allegations involving potential juvenile victims.” The Saleeby allegations came to light just one week after fellow disgraced CNN employee Chris Cuomo’s producer, John Griffin, was...

By Julian Conradson The self-appointed “most trusted name in news,” has been absolutely silent about two producers on the network’s most popular programs getting busted for child sex crimes. Rick Saleeby resigned from CNN in December after Project Veritas...

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