CNN Scorched After Being Caught in Blatant Lie Over Chris Cuomo’s ‘Quarantine’
By Joe Saunders If CNN can’t air the truth about its own employees, how does it expect Americans to believe its words about President Donald Trump? Even at a time when mainstream media outlets seem to be competing with each other over which can be the most savagely anti-Trump, CNN stands out. And when CNN’s own on-air personalities try to outdo each other in attacking the president’s honesty, Chris Cuomo is one of the most outspoken of the bunch. So it’s all the more noteworthy that when the “Cuomo Prime Time” host — who has allegedly been self-isolating after...
By Joe Saunders If CNN can’t air the truth about its own employees, how does it expect Americans to believe its words about President Donald Trump? Even at a time when mainstream media outlets seem to be competing with...
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