CNN Smears Tucker Carlson For Highlighting Mexico’s Interference In US Elections
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation CNN’s Raul Reyes attacked Fox News’ Tucker Carlson as a “racist” for highlighting Mexico’s interference in US elections, but he himself has written column after column highlighting the same “interference” as a positive. Reyes wrote Wednesday on CNN: When in doubt, blame brown people. That’s what one leading voice on the right is doing in response to the fallout over President Donald Trump’s disastrous summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland. In an interview with “The Five,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that Russia had sought to meddle in US affairs. But he asserted that...
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation CNN’s Raul Reyes attacked Fox News’ Tucker Carlson as a “racist” for highlighting Mexico’s interference in US elections, but he himself has written column after column highlighting the same “interference” as a positive. Reyes wrote Wednesday...
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