Tag Archive: CNN: Trump Harming Mental Health Calling School Shooter ’Savage Sicko’

on February 23, 2018 in World News

CNN: Trump Harming Mental Health Calling School Shooter ’Savage Sicko’

Yes, let’s make sure this monster’s feelings aren’t hurt. by Trey Sanchez   CNN is on a roll since the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting that killed 17 people, finding every avenue possible to blame the shooting on President Trump and other Second Amendment advocates. Now, the fake news network is sticking up for the shooter and chiding the president for calling him a “savage sicko.” Make up your mind, CNN. Is this shooter a bad guy or a misunderstood mental health patient? The shooter, Nikolas Cruz, struggled with depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism, according to a 2016 Florida...

Yes, let’s make sure this monster’s feelings aren’t hurt. by Trey Sanchez   CNN is on a roll since the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting that killed 17 people, finding every avenue possible to blame the shooting on President Trump...

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