CNN ‘Trump Voter’ Who Said He Regrets Voting For A ‘Monster’ ID’ed As Anti-Gun Socialist
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation CNN headlined an alleged Trump voter’s regret about voting for a “monster” for president but the man’s social media accounts show he wants to ban all guns and describes himself as a “Proud Socialist.” The Red Elephants has the scoop: “I want to apologize to the nation for my vote for him,” Jeremy Montanez told CNN’s Alison Camerota on Tuesday. “It was the wrong thing to do. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.” Montanez bashed Trump for not doing enough to help Puerto Rico because “they’re not white skinned.” “He said they want to...
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation CNN headlined an alleged Trump voter’s regret about voting for a “monster” for president but the man’s social media accounts show he wants to ban all guns and describes himself as a “Proud Socialist.” The Red...
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