Tag Archive: CNN Turns to Outright Gangsterism to Silence Alex Jones

on March 5, 2018 in Featured World News

CNN Turns to Outright Gangsterism to Silence Alex Jones

by John Nolte To remove InfoWars and Alex Jones from the public square of YouTube, to destroy what it sees as a political foe, CNN has turned to outright gangsterism. It is called the protection racket, and it begins with a gangster saying to the proprietor, “Hey, nice business you got here; be a shame if anything happened to it.” This is an act of extortion, where the gangster promises not to destroy the proprietor’s business if the proprietor agrees to do business in a way that benefits the gangster. This is exactly what CNN did to a number...

by John Nolte To remove InfoWars and Alex Jones from the public square of YouTube, to destroy what it sees as a political foe, CNN has turned to outright gangsterism. It is called the protection racket, and it begins...

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