Tag Archive: CNN’s Blitzer Tries to Link Trump to Nazis

on November 26, 2016 in World News

CNN’s Blitzer Tries to Link Trump to Nazis, Instantly Gets Epic Beatdown From Fed-Up Guest

One of the main avenues of attack the liberal media have repeatedly used against President-elect Donald Trump since the first day of his campaign has been that he is a racist supported by white supremacists. CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer traveled down that road for the umpteenth time Tuesday while interviewing Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer, but Spicer would have none of it, according to Mediaite. Blitzer began by asking if Trump disavowed the stated support of white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups, to which Spicer replied that Trump had already disavowed such groups and was focused on the task at hand,...

One of the main avenues of attack the liberal media have repeatedly used against President-elect Donald Trump since the first day of his campaign has been that he is a racist supported by white supremacists. CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer traveled down...

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