CNN’s Sellers: There’s ‘No Question’ That Tulsi Gabbard Is ‘A Puppet For The Russian Government’
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation CNN’s Bakari Sellers said Tuesday that “there is no question” that Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is “a puppet for the Russian government” and anyone who disagrees with him is probably a Russian “bot.” There was some very mild questioning of Sellers’ repugnant, McCarthyite accusations of treason against Gabbard, but only very mild and quick, then they moved on to something else as if it never happened, and obviously Sellers will be right back on CNN doing this vile garbage: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 15, 2019 Transcript: SELLERS: There is a slightly —...
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation CNN’s Bakari Sellers said Tuesday that “there is no question” that Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is “a puppet for the Russian government” and anyone who disagrees with him is probably a Russian “bot.” There...
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