Tag Archive: Code blue’: Jerry Nadler slumps in chair

on May 24, 2019 in World News

House Judiciary Chairman Nadler Falls Ill at Mayor de Blasio Event in Manhattan

By Andrew Siff When Mayor de Blasio asks Nadler if he is OK, Nadler can be heard responding with a faint “no” before putting his hand over his face Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler appeared weak and on the verge of passing out at a presser held by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Friday morning in Manhattan. The mayor is speaking — and then there’s a sudden commotion. De Blasio and others move to help an extremely pale Nadler as he sits, a ghost-like look on his face, in the chairs at P.S. 199...

By Andrew Siff When Mayor de Blasio asks Nadler if he is OK, Nadler can be heard responding with a faint “no” before putting his hand over his face Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler appeared weak...

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