Tag Archive: cognitive damage found with these OTC allergy drugs

on March 5, 2017 in World News

If you use Benadryl, Paxil, Dramamine it’s REALLY time to stop: definite links to dementia, cognitive damage found with these OTC allergy drugs

by J. D. Heyes Over-the-counter drugs, many of them formerly only available by prescription, are in abundance, and they supposedly treat a wide range of conditions and minor illnesses. But new research shows that many of these come with a host of side effects and potential side effects that ought to make you seriously look for natural alternatives. As reported by CNN, a new study published just recently provides scientists with the most definitive proof yet of what they’ve known for at least the past 10 years – that anticholinergic medications are tied to cognitive impairment and a heightened...

by J. D. Heyes Over-the-counter drugs, many of them formerly only available by prescription, are in abundance, and they supposedly treat a wide range of conditions and minor illnesses. But new research shows that many of these come with...

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