Tag Archive: Coke Says be less White – 6.5 Billion to open School

on February 22, 2021 in Right Edition Videos

Coke Says be less White – 6.5 Billion to open School

CDC recommending vulnerable minority populations be a priority for COVID-19 vaccine The health department website acknowledges the inequity saying “with already less access to healthcare and, more often than not, receipt of lower-quality health care than their white counterparts, Black/African American, Asian, and Hispanic/Latinx residents have more often tested positive for the disease, been hospitalized and have higher death rates due to COVID-19.” https://www.kctv5.com/coronavirus/vaccine_tracker/cdc-recommending-vulnerable-minority-populations-be-a-priority-for-covid-19-vaccine/article_331c42ea-43df-11eb-8520-7b02de69c9b8.html Whistleblower: Coca-Cola Uses Antiracist Training That Tells Employees ‘Try To Be Less White’ Coca-Cola has used a training video by antiracist activist Robin DiAngelo that tells employees to “try to be less white,” according to...

CDC recommending vulnerable minority populations be a priority for COVID-19 vaccine The health department website acknowledges the inequity saying “with already less access to healthcare and, more often than not, receipt of lower-quality health care than their white counterparts,...

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