Tucker, Col. Macgregor Warn Trump: ‘Gulf Of Tonkin Incident’ Could Be Staged To Get US Into War With Iran
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Colonel Douglas Macgregor spoke out Tuesday against the prospect of a US war with Iran and warned President Trump a “Gulf of Tonkin incident” could be staged to drag the US into it. Carlson said the main agitators pushing for war are the same neocons who fought Donald Trump every step of the way during his presidential campaign. He mocked their idea Iran is the “greatest threat” America faces, saying: “Virtually every attack in America has been inspired not by Iran, but by Iran’s Sunni enemies.” Carlson said the neocons...
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Colonel Douglas Macgregor spoke out Tuesday against the prospect of a US war with Iran and warned President Trump a “Gulf of Tonkin incident” could be staged to drag the...
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