on October 18, 2021 in World News
Colin Powell Dies at 84 from COVID Complications — He Was Fully Vaccinated
By Joe Hoft General Colin Powell, former secretary of state and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died today from coronavirus. He was fully vaccinated. Powell was an esteemed member of the Uni-party who worked for Bush and then endorsed socialist Barack Obama, twice. TRENDING: Colin Powell Dies at 84 from COVID Complications — He Was Fully Vaccinated full story at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/colin-powell-dies-84-covid-complications-fully-vaccinated/
By Joe Hoft General Colin Powell, former secretary of state and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died today from coronavirus. He was fully vaccinated. Powell was an esteemed member of the Uni-party who worked for Bush and...
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