Colorado’s Saguache County Adopts ‘Emergency Regulations’ Allowing Warrantless Entry to Private Property and Preventing Sale of Firearms and Ammo
By Joe Hoft Colorado’s Saguache County approves measures in case of ‘Emergency’, that allow warrantless entry into households and prevent the sale of guns and ammo. The Archvalley Voice reports: On Tuesday, September 21, the Saguache Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) unanimously approved and adopted a new resolution titled; “Civil Emergency, Emergency, or Local Disaster Regulations” Resolution #2021-07. These new regulations define the duties and powers of the Chair of the BoCC, spending authorities, spending limits, the succession of authority, government continuity of operations, and alternative meeting locations for the BoCC – during a County Declared Disaster. TRENDING: Breaking:...
By Joe Hoft Colorado’s Saguache County approves measures in case of ‘Emergency’, that allow warrantless entry into households and prevent the sale of guns and ammo. The Archvalley Voice reports: On Tuesday, September 21, the Saguache Board of County...
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