Tag Archive: Columbia Students Okay with Funding Female Genital Mutilation

on January 4, 2017 in World News

As Long As It’s Choice, Columbia Students Okay with Funding Female Genital Mutilation

“To each his own.” by Trey Sanchez Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative descended onto the campus of New York City’s Columbia University to offer a hypothetical to students and ask if they would support Planned Parenthood funding of female genital mutilation. Surprisingly — or perhaps not — nearly all of them said yes. The prevailing sentiment among these millennials was that they’d get behind anything that’s a woman’s choice, even the barbaric Islamic crime of cutting out a young girl’s clitoris, usually between birth and 15 years old. Of course, FGM is never a choice; it’s a religion-based punishment....

“To each his own.” by Trey Sanchez Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative descended onto the campus of New York City’s Columbia University to offer a hypothetical to students and ask if they would support Planned Parenthood funding of female...

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