Tag Archive: Columnist For The Sunday Times Calls For President Trump’s Assassination

on January 29, 2017 in World News

Columnist For The Sunday Times Calls For President Trump’s Assassination

by Ryan Saavedra Sunday Times Writer Calls For Trump’s Assassination A columnist for the Sunday Times has called for Trump’s Assassination over twitter stating “The assassination is taking such a long time.” The assassination is taking such a long time. — India Knight (@indiaknight) January 28, 2017 Below is a screen shot of the same tweet in case the actual tweet gets deleted from Twitter. While some may say that her tweet can’t be considered a threat because it doesn’t mention President Trump’s name, a closer look at her Twitter account removes all doubt about who say is referring...

by Ryan Saavedra Sunday Times Writer Calls For Trump’s Assassination A columnist for the Sunday Times has called for Trump’s Assassination over twitter stating “The assassination is taking such a long time.” The assassination is taking such a long...

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