Tag Archive: Comes Forward Tonight on Hannity

on October 24, 2016 in World News

Hillary “Mr Fix It” Turns on Her, Comes Forward Tonight on Hannity

In a major bombshell announcement that rocked the political world — in as much as the political world has been constantly rocked by bombshells over the past year — the National Enquirer recently posted a story alleged to be a tell-all from a man calling himself Hillary Clinton’s “Mr. Fix It.” The man purported himself to have been employed as a “fixer” for former President Bill Clinton and the Democrat presidential nominee Hillary for dozens of years, and told of his efforts in not only covering up some of their scandalous behavior, but also of arranging some of that...

In a major bombshell announcement that rocked the political world — in as much as the political world has been constantly rocked by bombshells over the past year — the National Enquirer recently posted a story alleged to be...

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