Comey Has ‘Repeatedly and Improperly Protected Clinton and Her Top People From Consequences of Criminal Behavior’
by John Hayward Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discussed FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to Congress with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily. Hillary Clinton has blamed Comey for her 2016 election loss, but Marlow argued that if Comey had concealed the FBI’s discovery that Clinton was handling classified material irresponsibly – in the most spectacular instance, allowing it to be forwarded to disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner – it would have been “the end of the FBI as we know it.” “You put your finger on it – the end of the FBI as we...
by John Hayward Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discussed FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to Congress with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily. Hillary Clinton has blamed Comey for her 2016 election loss, but Marlow argued...
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