Trump Takes a Swipe at AG Sessions After Congress Sends Criminal Referral of Hillary, Comey to DOJ
by Cristina Laila President Trump took a swipe at AWOL AG Sessions Sunday morning after Congress sent a criminal referral of Hillary Clinton and James Comey to the DOJ. Trump took a swipe at AG Sessions Sunday morning from his Twitter account. Congress criminally referred Hillary, Comey, McCabe and Lynch to the DOJ, but what good is a criminal referral if our AG is AWOL? Trump tweeted: “GOP Lawmakers asking Sessions to Investigate Comey and Hillary Clinton.” @FoxNews Good luck with that request! “GOP Lawmakers asking Sessions to Investigate Comey and Hillary Clinton.” @FoxNews Good luck with that request!...
by Cristina Laila President Trump took a swipe at AWOL AG Sessions Sunday morning after Congress sent a criminal referral of Hillary Clinton and James Comey to the DOJ. Trump took a swipe at AG Sessions Sunday morning from...
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