Tag Archive: Comey Took Notes of Every Trump Meeting But Did Not Record Hillary’s 3 Hour Interrogation

on June 8, 2017 in World News

Comey Took Notes of Every Trump Meeting But Did Not Record Hillary’s 3 Hour Interrogation

by Jim Hoft Fired FBI Director, James Comey said in a prepared opening statement released Wednesday that he didn’t keep detailed memos on his conversations with Obama like he did with Donald Trump.  Comey took notes on EVERY meeting with President Trump before and after his inauguration. But Comey only spoke with Obama twice! Even after the DNC computers were ‘hacked’ he never spoke with the Democrat president about the criminal attack on his party’s computers! Former Director James Comey also did not record his THREE HOUR interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her likely criminal...

by Jim Hoft Fired FBI Director, James Comey said in a prepared opening statement released Wednesday that he didn’t keep detailed memos on his conversations with Obama like he did with Donald Trump.  Comey took notes on EVERY meeting...

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