Tag Archive: Conservatives ‘Sick’ of Media

on August 11, 2015 in World News

Conservatives ‘Sick’ of Media, Democrats, GOP Joining Forces to Destroy Outsiders

Conservatives ‘Sick’ of Media, Democrats, GOP Joining Forces to Destroy Outsiders Mark Levin’s opening segment on his Monday radio broadcast attacked America’s media for focusing on superficial issues while the country faces existential threats. [Audio via The Right Scoop.] I’ve been giving this a lot of thought–the debate, the Republican Party, the candidates, Donald Trump, Fox News, you–let me tell you what I think’s going on here… Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)and Karl Rove and their ilk, the Republican establishment in Washington, DC–an enormously powerful force that really has only been beaten two times in my life:… View Article

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