Tag Archive: Convicted 1

on February 14, 2019 in Featured World News

French State Has Arrested, Convicted 1,800 Yellow Vest Members So Far

by Chris Tomlinson French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe has revealed that there have been nearly 1,800 court convictions of activists who have taken part in the weekly Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests. The French prime minister revealed the extent of the convictions during a speech in front of the National Assembly, updating a previous figure released last month that confirmed just under 1,000 convictions of members of the movement, Le Figaro reports. “Since the beginning of these events, 1,796 sentences have been pronounced by the court and 1,422 people are still awaiting trial,” Philippe said and went on to add, “more than...

by Chris Tomlinson French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe has revealed that there have been nearly 1,800 court convictions of activists who have taken part in the weekly Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests. The French prime minister revealed the extent of...

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