Tag Archive: Dear White People

on September 7, 2017 in World News

Dear white people, wake up: Canada is racist

By Annette Henry — The Conversation Approximately 4,000 people gathered at Vancouver’s City Hall on Aug. 19 to protest an anti-immigration and anti-Muslim white nationalist rally. They far out-numbered the white nationalist demonstrators. Later, one counter-protester interviewed by CBC-TV news said: “I’ve never seen a racist.” Did that counter-protester come to the rally hoping to see a racist? What do racists look like, anyway? Are they easily identifiable? Perhaps he was imagining a stereotypical neo-Nazi? Although his statement was naive and problematic, it actually reflects common misunderstandings of white supremacy and racism in Canada. It also reflects the mythical...

By Annette Henry — The Conversation Approximately 4,000 people gathered at Vancouver’s City Hall on Aug. 19 to protest an anti-immigration and anti-Muslim white nationalist rally. They far out-numbered the white nationalist demonstrators. Later, one counter-protester interviewed by CBC-TV...

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on March 27, 2015 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News

Dear White People

Dear White People On a recent post, a commenter writes (with minor edits and additions): Dear White people, Your government no longer represents you. They applaud your demographic annihilation. They confiscate TRILLIONS of dollars from you via taxation – and do they use that money to help you? No. They give it to Blacks and Browns so they can outbreed you. (The government also give billions of dollars to the Jewish state of Israel and other foreign governments and international organizations.) They not only allow but they actively encourage and engage in discrimination against you. They allow the beautiful cities...

Dear White People On a recent post, a commenter writes (with minor edits and additions): Dear White people, Your government no longer represents you. They applaud your demographic annihilation. They confiscate TRILLIONS of dollars from you via taxation – and...

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