Tag Archive: Deceptive’ Covid Jab Con

on November 30, 2023 in Featured World News

Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer For ‘False, Deceptive’ Covid Jab Con

  Jordan Boyd  Visit on Twitter @jordanboydtx Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued pharmaceutical giant Pfizer on Thursday for using “highly misleading” rhetoric to con Americans into getting the company’s Covid-19 shot despite its failure to prevent infection or transmission. Pfizer debuted the jab in late 2020 with the promise that it was 95 percent effective against Covid-19 infection. The company used this statistic, based on a final efficacy analysis, to bully Americans into getting the shots in the name of protecting their family and friends from the virus. The lawsuit out of Texas, however, alleges that the company...

  Jordan Boyd  Visit on Twitter @jordanboydtx Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued pharmaceutical giant Pfizer on Thursday for using “highly misleading” rhetoric to con Americans into getting the company’s Covid-19 shot despite its failure to prevent infection or...

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