Tag Archive: Deep State Criminals

on December 12, 2019 in Featured World News

Lindsey Graham Vows to Protect Democrats, Deep State Criminals

by Jim Hoft PROMISES TO CALL NO WITNESSES and Protect DC SWAMP in Senate Hearings CONFIRMED: Lindsey Graham Took Chairmanship of Senate Judiciary Committee to Bury Democrat and Deep State Crimes In November Lindsey Graham told Sean Hannity he will call in corrupt liar Adam Schiff to testify before the US Senate on his sham impeachment proceedings.  Lindsey Graham is a big talker but he has no desire to discover the truth. This past week Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Maria Bartiromo he will end the impeachment process “as soon as possible.” Lindsey will not investigate liar Adam Schiff,...

by Jim Hoft PROMISES TO CALL NO WITNESSES and Protect DC SWAMP in Senate Hearings CONFIRMED: Lindsey Graham Took Chairmanship of Senate Judiciary Committee to Bury Democrat and Deep State Crimes In November Lindsey Graham told Sean Hannity he...

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