Tag Archive: Delingpole: Liberals to Trump-Supporting Tangier Island ‘We Hope You Drown’

on July 11, 2017 in World News

Delingpole: Liberals to Trump-Supporting Tangier Island ‘We Hope You Drown’

by James Delingpole Angry liberals are wishing death on a tiny, vanishing island in Chesapeake Bay because its inhabitants mostly support Donald Trump and refuse to think correct thoughts about climate change. Tangier Island in the middle of Chesapeake Bay, about an hour’s boat ride from the Virginia mainland, rises only a few feet above the waterline and has been slowly eroded by the sea since it was first colonized in the 1600s. Now its 500 remaining residents are desperate for federal support because it is on the verge of disappearing. But when they asked for support from Donald Trump...

by James Delingpole Angry liberals are wishing death on a tiny, vanishing island in Chesapeake Bay because its inhabitants mostly support Donald Trump and refuse to think correct thoughts about climate change. Tangier Island in the middle of Chesapeake...

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