Tag Archive: Does Gun Control Work

on March 23, 2018 in Right Edition Videos

Does Gun Control Work

7 Facts On Gun Crime That Show Gun Control Doesn’t Work The Left is incessantly attempting to figure out new ways to take guns from law-abiding American citizens in the name of reducing gun crime. However, the facts clearly show that gun control only exacerbates violent crime. Here are seven facts proving this. 1. Washington, D.C.’s gun ban worsened the city’s homicide rate. As The Daily Wire has previously explained: In 1976, D.C. implemented a law that banned citizens from owning guns, as only police officers were allowed to carry firearms. Those who already owned guns were allowed to...

7 Facts On Gun Crime That Show Gun Control Doesn’t Work The Left is incessantly attempting to figure out new ways to take guns from law-abiding American citizens in the name of reducing gun crime. However, the facts clearly...

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