Tag Archive: Does the Earth Really Rotate Around the Sun?

on January 31, 2015 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News

Does the Earth Really Rotate Around the Sun?

Does the Earth Really Rotate Around the Sun? Heliocentricity, besides being proven false by experience and multiple experiments, is full of the most fantastical improbabilities and theoretical leaps that most people are willing to make simply because the pseudo-scientific establishment told them so. Here are some questions and answers to help clear up the Geocentric vs. Heliocentric world-views: Why does the Earth seem motionless? GC: Because it is motionless. HC: It only seems motionless because it’s spinning at a perfectly uniform speed with no acceleration or deceleration ever and the atmosphere is magically velcroed to it. Actually the Earth...

Does the Earth Really Rotate Around the Sun? Heliocentricity, besides being proven false by experience and multiple experiments, is full of the most fantastical improbabilities and theoretical leaps that most people are willing to make simply because the pseudo-scientific...

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