Tag Archive: DOJ Prosecutes Trump Aides for Lying

on October 17, 2018 in World News

DOJ Prosecutes Trump Aides for Lying, Does Nothing When FBI Official Is Caught in Lie

By Malachi Bailey Conservatives are rightfully outraged at hypocrisy coming from the Department of Justice after an FBI official violated federal regulations by accepting gifts from the media and then lying about it to the Office of the Inspector General. And then was allowed to retire without any prosecution. On Tuesday, the OIG released a report detailing the misconduct of the unnamed FBI official. The OIG found text messages proving that the official accepted gifts from the media. “The text messages indicated that a senior FBI official accepted two tickets to a professional sports game as a gift from a...

By Malachi Bailey Conservatives are rightfully outraged at hypocrisy coming from the Department of Justice after an FBI official violated federal regulations by accepting gifts from the media and then lying about it to the Office of the Inspector...

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