Tag Archive: Donald Trump – one-man leading the D.C. swamp resistance movement

on November 11, 2020 in World News

Donald Trump – one-man leading the D.C. swamp resistance movement

written by Stephen Z. Nemo One of the things that most distinguishes President Donald Trump from the vast majority of Republican politicians is his ability to speak without notes or a teleprompter. His GOP detractors often criticized him for “going off script” to express his thoughts rather than those of his play-it-safe White House speechwriters. The stem-winder President Trump at campaign rally in El Paso, Texas. Fox News screen capture. His off-the-cuff humor, often biting, was the reason his rallies were standing-room-only affairs. As President Theodore Roosevelt, Trump used the presidential bully pulpit to eviscerate his enemies to the...

written by Stephen Z. Nemo One of the things that most distinguishes President Donald Trump from the vast majority of Republican politicians is his ability to speak without notes or a teleprompter. His GOP detractors often criticized him for...

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