Tag Archive: Donald Trump Tells Ohio: To Stop Obamacare Hikes

on October 27, 2016 in World News

Donald Trump Tells Ohio: To Stop Obamacare Hikes, Vote for Me

by Joel B. Pollak Republican nominee Donald Trump told a rally of thousands of supporters inside at the Champion Center Expo that he would win Ohio, and save America from Obamacare’s sharp increases in health insurance premiums. “Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing Obamacare. It’s just been announced that Americans are going to experience another massive double-digit hike in Obamacare — you see that? — including premiums like, in the great state of Arizona, where they’re going to go up at 116%.  “Don’t worry, you’ll be there very soon — unless I win, in which case you...

by Joel B. Pollak Republican nominee Donald Trump told a rally of thousands of supporters inside at the Champion Center Expo that he would win Ohio, and save America from Obamacare’s sharp increases in health insurance premiums. “Real change...

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