Study: Most Women Like ‘Manly’ Men, Don’t Worry About ‘Toxic Masculinity’
By Jillian Kay Melchior It’s trendy on college campuses to denounce traditional masculinity as “toxic”– but it turns out, women kinda like a manly man, a new Florida State University study suggests. The researchers tracked 70 newlywed couples over two weeks, querying women to rate their levels of satisfaction with their husband. Meanwhile, the men were asked to rate their “behavioral masculinity,” a category that included feelings of dominance, power and assertiveness—all traits that campus feminists have decried as “toxic” and dangerous. A University of Maryland staffer recently claimed in a blog post that “societal ideas about masculinity (like...
By Jillian Kay Melchior It’s trendy on college campuses to denounce traditional masculinity as “toxic”– but it turns out, women kinda like a manly man, a new Florida State University study suggests. The researchers tracked 70 newlywed couples over...
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