Tag Archive: Dr Robert Malone: Monkeypox Is ‘Psychological Warfare’ Pushed by ‘Evil’

on August 20, 2024 in World News

Dr Robert Malone: Monkeypox Is ‘Psychological Warfare’ Pushed by ‘Evil’

by Frank Bergman World-renowned vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone has called on the public to “rise up” in the face of the “evil” that is pushing “psychological warfare” onto humanity. Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, warns that those behind the push to unleash monkeypox as the “next pandemic” are driving humanity to “the end of the line as we know it.” Speaking during a new interview with Alex Jones on Infowars, Malone declared that the people must “resist” the pressure from globalists to strip the public of their freedoms. He likened the situation to a “fight between good...

by Frank Bergman World-renowned vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone has called on the public to “rise up” in the face of the “evil” that is pushing “psychological warfare” onto humanity. Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, warns that those...

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