Tag Archive: Federal Court Tries To Force States To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws

on September 9, 2024 in World News

Federal Court Tries To Force States To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws

John Velleco A federal court just neutered much of the authority states have to check unconstitutional federal laws. Its decision must be overturned. Kamala Harris’ vehement anti-gun views, which include support for gun confiscation and a ban on semi-automatic firearms, have reinvigorated a serious and needed debate about the authority states have to check unconstitutional federal laws. Frustratingly, a panel of federal appellate judges just neutered much of that ability in a unanimous ruling to uphold a lower court injunction against a pro-gun Missouri law — and in the process they ignored substance, precedent, and common sense. The judges got it wrong, and our...

John Velleco A federal court just neutered much of the authority states have to check unconstitutional federal laws. Its decision must be overturned. Kamala Harris’ vehement anti-gun views, which include support for gun confiscation and a ban on semi-automatic firearms, have reinvigorated...

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