Tag Archive: Goes off on “Privilege” Comment

on December 6, 2017 in World News

28-Year Police Vet Fed up With Liberal Training, Goes off on “Privilege” Comment

By Jared Harris What’s the last thing you tell a 28-year veteran of a small town police force? That his “white male privilege” makes him dumb and unable to understand training. On Nov. 1 at a Police Supervisors Transgender Awareness Training session, an officer spoke up to question an outdated statistic about police violence. According to KGUN, in the midst of him calmly explaining his skepticism, Captain Carri Weber shouted across the room, “Because of your white male privilege, you wouldn’t know!” The victim immediately reacted, and so did his fellow officers. Cries of outrage filled the room as...

By Jared Harris What’s the last thing you tell a 28-year veteran of a small town police force? That his “white male privilege” makes him dumb and unable to understand training. On Nov. 1 at a Police Supervisors Transgender...

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