Tag Archive: Government Mind Control Agent Talks MK-ULTRA

on April 30, 2016 in Featured World News

Government Mind Control Agent Talks MK-ULTRA, the CIA, and LSD

Photo credit: Mark Kent / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) WhoWhatWhy Introduction by Milicent Cranor: The story below offers a rare close-up view of a man who is so creepy it’s fascinating. He actually performed some of the dirty, unthinkable deeds you read about in the various exposés on the CIA. According to the author, the man “looks like Danny DeVito playing the Penguin, and talks like Edward G. Robinson as gangster Johnny Rocco in Key Largo.” The Penguin in question is Ira “Ike” Feldman.  And the deeds he performed were for MK-ULTRA, the CIA’s program on mind control. They...

Photo credit: Mark Kent / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) WhoWhatWhy Introduction by Milicent Cranor: The story below offers a rare close-up view of a man who is so creepy it’s fascinating. He actually performed some of the dirty, unthinkable...

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