Tag Archive: Governor Dunleavy Offers Trump Alaska National Guard To Protect Southern Border

on February 20, 2019 in Featured World News

Governor Dunleavy Offers Trump Alaska National Guard To Protect Southern Border

 By Tom Pappert Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy offered President Donald J. Trump the use of the Alaska National Guard to protect U.S.-Mexico border, calling the situation at the unprotected border a crisis. “Today I notified the White House that Alaska and our National Guard, if called upon, stand ready to support the national security crisis at the southern border,” said Dunleavy in a statement recorded last weekend. He continued, “While the southern border may seem far away and distant, this crisis is real, and a potential threat to every American, including Alaskans.” “I look forward to our congressional delegation and...

 By Tom Pappert Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy offered President Donald J. Trump the use of the Alaska National Guard to protect U.S.-Mexico border, calling the situation at the unprotected border a crisis. “Today I notified the White House that Alaska...

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