Tag Archive: Gun Sales SOAR In March

on April 4, 2018 in Gun Page World News

Gun Sales SOAR In March, Break Previous Record By A Quarter Million

Americans bought more guns last month than when they were preparing for President Hillary Clinton ByEmily Zanotti Gun sales soared in March amid concerns that Democrats and their left-leaning allies were working to enact major gun restrictions at both the state and federal levels. The FBI’s National Criminal Background Check System (NICS) processed more potential gun owners last month than it did in March 2016, when Americans went on a buying spree out of fear Hillary Clinton might win the presidential election. According to The Washington Free Beacon, the FBI processed 2,767,699 background checks in March 2018 — around...

Americans bought more guns last month than when they were preparing for President Hillary Clinton ByEmily Zanotti Gun sales soared in March amid concerns that Democrats and their left-leaning allies were working to enact major gun restrictions at both...

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