Hawaii prof demands that colleges ‘stop hiring white cis men’
Anthony Gockowski Investigative Reporter @AGockowski A University of Hawaii professor recently claimed that universities should “stop hiring white cis men” until “the problem goes away.” Mathematics professor Piper Harron never gets around to specifying which “problem” would be solved by culling cis white males from academia, but insists that “real solutions require women of color and trans women.” A University of Hawaii professor recently claimed that universities should “stop hiring white cis men” until “the problem goes away.” In a recent American Mathematical Society blog post—unsubtly titled “Get Out The Way”—University of Hawaii at Manoa “temporary assistant professor” of...
Anthony Gockowski Investigative Reporter @AGockowski A University of Hawaii professor recently claimed that universities should “stop hiring white cis men” until “the problem goes away.” Mathematics professor Piper Harron never gets around to specifying which “problem” would be solved...
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