Tag Archive: “If This Judge has the GALL to Not Throw This Out

on May 13, 2020 in World News

“If This Judge has the GALL to Not Throw This Out, He Ought to be Impeached!”

By Joe Hoft Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz on Judge Sullivan in General Flynn Case Judge Sullivan who oversees the General Flynn case should be impeached.  He is violating his oath and the US Constitution if he does not throw out the Flynn case which both sides agree should be dismissed. Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz was on Hannity where he shared the following regarding the judge in the General Flynn case: If this judge has the GALL to not throw this out, he ought to be impeached.  Remember that judges only have jurisdiction for cases and controversies.  There’s no controversy...

By Joe Hoft Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz on Judge Sullivan in General Flynn Case Judge Sullivan who oversees the General Flynn case should be impeached.  He is violating his oath and the US Constitution if he does not throw...

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