“It’s Ridiculous That we Have Gotten to This Point” – Crowd Protests after Illinois Restaurant Owner Ticketed for Flying American Flag
By Julian Conradson A small business owner in Prairie Grove, Illinois was cited twice and fined $200 by the village for flying American flags outside his restaurant around the Fourth of July. Terry Trobiani, the owner of Gianelli’s, says he placed two flags along the road in front of his business to celebrate Independence Day. Just two days later, he was ticketed for “improper display” of what the city is calling “‘temporary signage.” TRENDING: Psaki Says US Going in the Wrong Direction Because of “Large Population of Unvaccinated People” (VIDEO) full story at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/ridiculous-gotten-point-crowd-protests-illinois-restaurant-owner-ticketed-flying-american-flag/
By Julian Conradson A small business owner in Prairie Grove, Illinois was cited twice and fined $200 by the village for flying American flags outside his restaurant around the Fourth of July. Terry Trobiani, the owner of Gianelli’s, says...
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