Tag Archive: Joe DiGenova: Mueller Is Destroying the DOJ – For Sessions to Sit Like a Bump on a Log Is DISGRACEFUL

on April 12, 2018 in World News

Joe DiGenova: Mueller Is Destroying the DOJ – For Sessions to Sit Like a Bump on a Log Is DISGRACEFUL

by Jim Hoft Former US Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova joined Sean Hannity on Wednesday to discuss the latest predawn raid by the FBI and Mueller Special Counsel on Donald Trump’s attorney’s home to look for porn star documents and Access Hollywood p*ssy tapes.  DiGenova says Jeff Sessions needs to fire Rod Rosenstein TOMORROW!   Joe DiGenova: Mueller now has no legitimacy. The tactics that they have chosen to use against the President of the United States, against whom there is no evidence of a crime and never has been from the beginning, the use of...

by Jim Hoft Former US Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova joined Sean Hannity on Wednesday to discuss the latest predawn raid by the FBI and Mueller Special Counsel on Donald Trump’s attorney’s home to look for...

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