Tag Archive: John McCain Says Putin a Bigger Threat Than Islamic State

on May 29, 2017 in World News

John McCain Says Putin a Bigger Threat Than Islamic State, Admits ‘No Evidence’ Russia Changed Election Outcome

by Adam Shaw Long time Trump opponent Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said in an interview aired Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin represents more of a threat to the world than Islamic State — although he conceded that he has seen ‘no evidence’ Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election. McCain made the remarks during an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “7:30” program, where he was asked how much of a threat he believed Vladimir Putin to be to global security. .@PutinRF_Eng a bigger threat than ISIS @SenJohnMcCain tells #abc730 @abbydphillip @peterbakernyt @abwrig @jaketapper @jonathanvswan pic.twitter.com/RWB4moEkyV — abc730… View Article

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