Tag Archive: Joins Corporate Lobbying Firm That Represents China

on September 25, 2016 in World News

John Boehner Cashes Out, Joins Corporate Lobbying Firm That Represents China

Lee Fang John Boehner, the retired speaker of the House, is monetizing his decades of political relationships and cashing out to serve some of the most powerful special interests in the world. Boehner is joining Squire Patton Boggs, a lobbying firm that peddles its considerable influence on behalf of a number of foreign nations, including most notably the People’s Republic of China. Serving Beijing is somewhat appropriate: Boehner has long been a supporter of unfettered trade, helping to lead the effort to grant Most Favored Nation status to China. Squire Patton Boggs also represents a long list of corporate clients, including...

Lee Fang John Boehner, the retired speaker of the House, is monetizing his decades of political relationships and cashing out to serve some of the most powerful special interests in the world. Boehner is joining Squire Patton Boggs, a...

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