Tag Archive: Journalist Who Tweeted Maryland Killer Wore Donald Trump MAGA Hat Loses Job

on June 30, 2018 in World News

Journalist Who Tweeted Maryland Killer Wore Donald Trump MAGA Hat Loses Job

by Warner Todd Huston A Massachusetts reporter who tweeted that the Annapolis, Maryland Capitol Gazette killer was wearing a Donald Trump campaign MAGA hat has announced that he has lost his job. On Thursday, Conor Berry, who was at the time a reporter for The Republican in Springfield, Mass., tweeted out the claim that the man who is accused of killing five newspaper employees in Annapolis, Maryland, was wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat as he committed his shocking crime. Berry deleted the tweet after an editor from his paper saw it and demanded that the tweet be...

by Warner Todd Huston A Massachusetts reporter who tweeted that the Annapolis, Maryland Capitol Gazette killer was wearing a Donald Trump campaign MAGA hat has announced that he has lost his job. On Thursday, Conor Berry, who was at...

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