Tag Archive: ‘MAGA May Day’ Freedom Rallies Planned Across America to Protest Lockdowns

on April 28, 2020 in World News

‘MAGA May Day’ Freedom Rallies Planned Across America to Protest Lockdowns

by Hannah Bleau “MAGA May Day” freedom rallies are slated to pop up across America Friday, May 1, aimed to send a message to “local and state government tyrants” that it is time to safely and responsibly reopen the country. The “drive-in” rallies for freedom encourage participants to head to their state capitol or local government building to protest the nationwide lockdowns and demand independence from China, not allowing the country to “control trade, supply chains, or anything else that affects the daily life, health, happiness of American citizens.” A schedule shows events slated to pop up in Honolulu, Hawaii;...

by Hannah Bleau “MAGA May Day” freedom rallies are slated to pop up across America Friday, May 1, aimed to send a message to “local and state government tyrants” that it is time to safely and responsibly reopen the...

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