Tag Archive: “Man” Arrested After Publicly Sexually Assaulting a Woman On a New York City Subway Platform

on August 31, 2020 in World News

“Man” Arrested After Publicly Sexually Assaulting a Woman On a New York City Subway Platform

By Richard Moorhead Disgusting individual. The New York Police Department have arrested a man who attempted to sexually assault a woman on a New York City subway platform on Saturday night. Video of the heinous attack shows the man ceasing in the act when confronted by onlookers. He shrugs ambivalently, apparently under the impression that sexually assaulting someone in broad daylight (figuratively) is an acceptable act in society. The video is censored to protect the identity of the victim. BREAKING: Man attempted to rape a 25-year-old at 11 Saturday on the 63/Lexington St Q platform in Manhattan—bystanders recorded—suspect ran...

By Richard Moorhead Disgusting individual. The New York Police Department have arrested a man who attempted to sexually assault a woman on a New York City subway platform on Saturday night. Video of the heinous attack shows the man...

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