Tag Archive: nra

on September 17, 2013 in Right Edition

The NRA Fights for You – Obama and Syria Spin

The NRA Fights for You – Obama and Syria Spin 1. The NRA was originally not a civil rights organization. The NRA was founded in 1871 after the Civil War by Army and Navy Journal editor William Conant Church (pictured above) and General George Wood Wingate of the Union Army, who were both dismayed at the horrible accuracy of Union soldiers during the Civil War. The original purpose of the organization was for rifle marksmanship training. However despite this, the NRA is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States. 2. The NRA has a history of being for… View Article

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on September 5, 2013 in World News

NRA joins ACLU lawsuit, NSA starting ‘gun registry’

NRA joins ACLU lawsuit, NSA starting ‘gun registry’ The National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union’s lawsuit on Wednesday to end the government’s massive phone record collection program. In a brief filed in federal court, the NRA argues that the National Security Agency’s database of phone records amounts to a “national gun registry.” “It would be absurd to think that the Congress would adopt and maintain a web of statutes intended to protect against the creation of a national gun registry, while simultaneously authorizing the FBI and the NSA to gather records that could effectively create just such… View Article

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on September 2, 2013 in World News

Gun Owners Turn Ohio Gun-Control Rally into NRA Rally

                    Gun Owners Turn Ohio Gun-Control Rally into NRA Rally As six members of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group rallied for more gun laws on August 30, about 50 gun rights supporters hijacked the event and said that there are enough gun laws already. According to 10TV.com, the Columbus, Ohio rally was hosted by members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns but ended up looking “more like an NRA rally.” When organizer Blanche Luczyk took to the mic and tried to claim Ronald Reagan would support more background checks she was… View Article

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