Tag Archive: Obama Politicized Funeral – Mass Shooting Lunatics

on July 22, 2015 in Right Edition

Obama Politicized Funeral – Mass Shooting Lunatics

Obama Politicized Funeral – Mass Shooting Lunatics ‘I thought this was a eulogy’: Obama uses Clementa Pinckney funeral to push — you guessed it! — gun control Naturally! President Obama was in Charleston today to eulogize Rev. Clementa Pinckney, one of the nine people slain in the Charleston massacre. Well, that’s what he was ostensibly there for. It didn’t take long for the occasion to change direction: You know what we see? We see a man whose messiah complex is so strong, that he’s found a way to turn a funeral into a pander-fest. http://twitchy.com/2015/06/26/i-thought-this-was-a-eulogy-obama-uses-clementa-pinckney-funeral-to-push-you-guessed-it-gun-control/ 12-year-old CJ Pearson calls...

Obama Politicized Funeral – Mass Shooting Lunatics ‘I thought this was a eulogy’: Obama uses Clementa Pinckney funeral to push — you guessed it! — gun control Naturally! President Obama was in Charleston today to eulogize Rev. Clementa Pinckney,...

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